Searching the SharePoint Recycling Bin
Searching the SharePoint Recycling Bin While the SharePoint recycling bin is useful when it contains only a few items, it becomes downright unusable when it contains thousands of items. The SharePoint recycling bin is shipped without a search function. Finding a single file in a SharePoint recycling bin of thousand of items is like searching […]
Checking if string is empty or null in MS Flow / Power automate
Below is a simple way to check if a string is null or empty in MS flow. It works by first testing if the string is null, and then checking if the string has 0 characters. Steps: Add a condition step Change the condition to OR Add the string variable, and first test to see […]
Updating Filename in MS Flow (Power automate)
Updating Filename in MS Flow (Power automate) This is a walk through on how to update a filename while keeping the same file extension in MS Flow. In this example we are going to assume the filename is saved in a Variable called “Full File Name”. The walkthrough will name a file to <filename>_1.<extension> We […]
Mail Redirection & Scanning
The Team at SharePointPro are proud to support Gold Coast Local Business HotSnail.
Adding “Days since created” on a SharePoint column using JSON Custom Formatter
I wanted to add a column on a SharePoint modern experience list which showed the number of days since it was created. I also wanted to colour the dates so that if it was over a certain number of days it would display as yellow or red. I found very little examples online, so I […]
Sharing Communication Site With External Users
After creating a SharePoint Communication site I wanted to share it with an external user. When attempting to share the site I got the error Your organization’s policies don’t allow you to share with these users. Go to External Sharing in the Office 365 admin center to enable it. But I had sharing enabled via […]
SharePointPro supports the push to make the Gold Coast the next Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley has truly made an undeniable mark on the world. San Francisco’s hub of technology, invention, and startups has seen the likes of Apple, Google, Uber, and Airbnb all based within its hills. The American centre for innovation has had a huge impact on the global economy, with “disruptors” (i.e. inventors) constantly looking to […]
What’s new with SharePoint 2016
Alas, we know what it’s like. Trying to ensure that a team works smoothly is easier said than done. Remote collaboration is essential in the modern technologically-shrunk world, and we all need solutions for integration and collaborative teamwork. This is where SharePoint comes in! SharePoint (for those who may not know) is a server-based platform […]
Software Is Expensive
Everyone likes to get a bargain, but there are many things in life where you get what you pay for. When it comes to the code required to write your customized website, integrated proprietary software, or advanced web or mobile app—paying less might sound attractive, but in most cases leaves you paying more. Code Is […]
Replacing SharePoint DatePicker
If you have ever used SharePoint, you probably know that SharePoint’s native datepicker’s is horrible. Clicking the native datepicker will cause the entire page to post back, if the page is scrollable, this will take the user to the top of the page. A simple solution is to remove the datepicker image link, and replace […]